Strange Elastic Anomalies with Ultraslow Dynamics around Magnetic Critical Endpoint
Near the magnetic critical endpoint of UCoAl, peculiar elastic anomalies exhibiting exotic ultraslow dynamics arising from electric quadrupoles are indicated. Combining this with diverse fluctuations, intriguing phenomena and exotic ground states are expected.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
A New Superconductor Family with Various Magnetic Elements
A new superconductor family, Sc6MTe2, has been discovered, comprising seven variations with magnetic elements labeled as M. Notably, only a few known superconductor families exist that involve various magnetic elements.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electron states in condensed matter
Study of Unconventional Slow Critical Dynamics of the Frustrated Magnet DyRu2Si2
~Spontaneous Alignment of Emergent Ferromagnetic Spin Textures?~
We measured the ac susceptibility of the frustrated magnet DyRu2Si2, in the partially ordered phase, where emergent 2-dimensional (2-D) disordered planes appear, and revealed extraordinarily slow and unconventional dynamics, which could be attributed to the highly fluctuating nature of the emergent 2-D planes.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interactions in Magnetism, Electricity, and Electronics
A collection of papers in the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan advances our understanding of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and paves the way for developing next generation computing and electronic systems.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electron states in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Antisymmetric Exchange Interaction Selects the Cycloidal Helicity: Observation by Resonant X-ray Diffraction
The unique sense of rotation of the cycloidal magnetic order was clarified in noncentrosymmetric EuIrGe3 by using circularly polarized resonant x-ray diffraction.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
How Many Excitons Can Combine?
Quantum diffusion Monte Carlo simulation demonstrated the formation of polyexcitons in two-dimensional multi-valley semiconductor systems, where all exciton pairs were energetically bound by equal-strength “chemical bonds.”
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Exploring Vortex Dynamics in a Multi-band Superconductor
We measured the microwave flux-flow Hall effect in FeSe, where the cancellation of holes and electrons was observed. This is a novel effect of multi-band superconductors.
Toward Accurate Diamond Quantum Sensing
A systematic investigation of the optical power dependence of the response of diamond quantum sensors provides valuable guidelines for accurate magnetic field measurements.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Topological Properties of the Periodic Toda Lattice: Analogy with the Thouless Pump
We find that the periodic Toda lattice belongs to the same topological class as the Thouless pump.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Double Superconductivity in Nodal Line Material NaAlSi; Coexistence of Bulk and 2D Superconductivities
Unique diamagnetic torque signals are found in the nodal line material NaAlSi, which suggests the presence of double superconductivity; i.e., bulk superconductivity and 2D superconductivity on the crystal surface.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
PICKUPSelf-Energy Singularity Explains High-Temperature Superconductivity in Cuprates
A new review discusses the high-temperature superconductivity mechanisms in copper oxides, explaining the various phases observed in these materials based on a nonperturbative effect called self-energy singularity.
Electron states in condensed matter
PICKUPGeometry-Based Nonlinear and Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Solids
Researchers from The University of Tokyo have recently reviewed geometric aspects of nonlinear and nonequilibrium optical phenomena for advanced materials applications in novel solar panels, photodetectors, diodes, and quantum computing.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Ultra Purification Unveils the Intrinsic Nature in Spin-Triplet Superconductor UTe2
Microscopic spin-susceptibility measurements in ultra-pure UTe2 samples reveal that superconducting symmetry is analogous to the superfluidity of the 3He B-phase and that U deficiency has a significant impact on superconducting properties.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Electron-Hole Asymmetry Observed in Photoinduced Phase Transition of Excitonic Insulators
During a photoinduced phase transition from an excitonic insulator to a semimetal, photoinduced energy shift of its hole band is delayed than that of its electron band indicating electron-hole asymmetry.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Quantum Hall Effect in Bulk (Multilayered) Organic Crystal
The multilayer quantum Hall effect is discovered in an organic massless Dirac electron system, α-(BETS)2I3 under pressure at low temperatures and a magnetic field of approximately 1 T.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Fingerprint of Majorana Zero Modes through Nonlocal Measurements
The enhancement and robustness of the 2π periodic Aharonov-Bohm effect can serve as a nonlocal probe of Majorana zero modes in topological superconductors that are not restricted by fermion parity.
Microswimmer Hydrodynamics Through the Lens of Jeffery’s Orbits
This review article summarizes the latest progress on Jeffery’s orbits and how they relate to the motion of microswimmers of various shapes, including sperms, bacteria, and even microrobots.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, heat transfer, and classical and fluid mechanics
PICKUPTowards a New Phase in Materials Science with Hyperordered Structures
A Special Topics edition of the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan features articles discussing recent advancements in hyperordered structures in materials, their applications, and the techniques for observing them.
Atomic and molecular physics
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electron states in condensed matter
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Heavy Fermion Meets Antiferromagnetic Sea
CeMnSi exhibits heavy fermion behaviors in an antiferromagnetically ordered state of Mn.
The space-time inversion symmetry inherent in the ordered state is key for the unique electron state.Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Possible New State in CeB6 Uncovered by Extremely Low-Frequency Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Experiments
Extremely low-frequency nuclear quadrupole resonance analyses of CeB6, a prototypical antiferroquadrupole (AFQ) material, indicate the possible existence of a new state in the zero-field AFQ ordered phase.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
What Determines Non-Newtonian Flow Behavior in Glass-Forming Liquids?
Even minute structural changes can lead to significant reductions in the flow resistances of glass-forming liquids. Here, possible scenarios and predictions for two different classes of glass-forming liquids are provided.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Clockwise or Anticlockwise, That is the Question: Phonons with Angular Momentum in Chiral Crystals
Chiral crystals have lattice structures with no mirror or inversion symmetries.
A few basic questions about their unique phonon excitations with intrinsic angular momentum are answered.Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Hidden Magnetoelectric Phase Transition by Emergent Staggered Magnetic Field
Emergent staggered magnetic fields induce phase transition in the multiferroic material Ba2FeSi2O7.
This study established a design principle utilizing emergent staggered magnetic fields to obtain an enhanced physical response.Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy Microscopy: A Tool to Accelerate Nanomaterials Research
Researchers have published a practical guide on new uses of photoelectron microscopy combined with valence band dispersion analysis. They visualized several-micrometers-wide graphite facets and precisely characterized the band structure.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Powered by Machine Learning: Obtaining Spectral Conductivity and Chemical Potential of Thermoelectric Materials from Experimental Data
We propose a machine-learning method to obtain the fundamental physical quantity, namely, the spectral conductivity, from experimental data of thermoelectric coefficients. Our study introduces a new data-driven approach that reveals the underlying low-energy electronic states of high-performance thermoelectric materials.
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Net-Pattern of Muskmelon Rind Favors a Common Mathematical Law
The surface of muskmelon is covered with a fine mesh-like net-pattern. The geometric features of the fine mesh appear unique for each individual, but hide an unexpected mathematical rule.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Thickness-Dependent Oscillation Behavior of Magnetic Phase Transitions in Pt Ultrathin Films with Small Orbital Moment
Ferromagnetism in nano-Pt films originates from the quantum-confinement effect that depends on film thickness. Studies of the electronic states of nano-Pt will aid in developing methods for efficiently utilizing its large spin-orbit coupling.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
PICKUPPhonon Simulations and Its Applications
Computation of phonons using first principles has many applications for understanding crystal properties. This review provides an overview of the present capabilities of such simulations using finite displacement supercell approach.
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
PICKUPHigh Magnetic Field as a Tool for Discovery in Condensed Matter Physics
The Journal of the Physical Society of Japan highlights in this special topic recent advances in modern physics that have been realized with the generation of pulsed high magnetic fields.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electron states in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
PICKUPTerahertz Radiation as a Tool for Exploring Material Properties
Researchers from Japan highlight, in a recent review, the range of material properties that can be and have been studied using the phenomenon of femtosecond laser-induced terahertz radiation emission.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Insights into the Overlooked Electric Ferro-Axial Ordering
We theoretically demonstrate spin related conductivity under electric ferro-axial ordering. We show an intrinsic generation of a spin current parallel to an applied electric field in metals and insulators.
Understanding the Obscure Antiferromagnetism in α-Mn by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Although Mn is an elementary metal, the antiferromagnetic state of α-Mn is still obscure. Our NMR study on high-quality α-Mn provides new insights into the symmetry of its antiferromagnetism.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Observing the de Haas–van Alphen Effect to Unveil the Electronic Structure of UTe2 Superconductor
The topology of Fermi surfaces with heavy effective masses in strongly correlated topological superconductor UTe2 was investigated using quantum oscillation measurements and theoretical calculations.
Electron states in condensed matter
Strange Metal Behavior Potentially Associated to Hidden Electronic Nematicity
Iron-based superconductor, Ba1-xRbxFe2As2, exhibits “strange metal” behavior—linear dependence of resistivity on temperature. It seems that hidden electronic nematic fluctuations play a greater role than the well-known antiferromagnetic fluctuations.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Thermoelectric Response in Strongly Disordered Systems
Based on the Kubo–Luttinger linear response theory, we discovered that the low-T Seebeck coefficient for Mott variable-range hopping in a d-dimensional system varies as S ∝ Td/(d+1), which is different from the conventional S ∝ T(d−1)/(d+1). In addition, the experimental data for S of CuCrTiS4 at low T are in excellent agreement with our prediction S ∝ T3/4 (d = 3).
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Birefringence Imaging-Based Investigation of Stress-Induced Phase Transitions in SrTiO3
The spatial distributions of ferroelectric and structural phase transitions in quantum paraelectric SrTiO3 under uniaxial stress were microscopically observed using birefringence imaging techniques.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Topology-Based Method for Determining the Order Parameter of the Putative Spin-Triplet Superconductor UTe2
The intrinsic anomalous thermal Hall effect can be an effective probe for the order parameters of non-unitary pairing states of the putative spin-triplet superconductor UTe2
Inertial Focusing of Red Blood Cells in Square Tube Flows
Red blood cells flowing through square capillary tubes were observed to migrate towards four points located on the diagonal in the tube cross-section, owing to their deformability and inertia.
Electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, heat transfer, and classical and fluid mechanics
Can a Node-Less Wave Function Have Higher Energy than Node-Full Ones?
“The energy level of an electron state increases as the number of nodes in its wave function increases.” The preceding statement, often found in textbooks, was challenged by our large-scale DFT (density-functional theory) calculations performed for the decavacancy in Si crystal.
Electron states in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Optical Tweezer Arrays with Ytterbium Atoms for Studying Quantum Phenomena
A neutral Rydberg atom tweezer array is a promising platform for quantum computation. In this study, featuring its metastable excited state, an array of single ytterbium atoms trapped in micro-optical tweezers was constructed. This overcomes many problems in conventional systems using alkali atoms.
Atomic and molecular physics
Spin-Orbit Coupled Electrons on Kagome Lattice Give Rise to Various Magnetic Orderings
Diverse magnetic orderings are found to be produced by spin-orbit coupled electrons on the kagome lattice. This finding provides a unified guiding principle for the design of magnetic topological materials.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
A New Route to the Realization of Topological Superconductivity
We theoretically suggest that topological Weyl superconductivity can be realized by applying a supercurrent to noncentrosymmetric line-nodal superconductors with spin–orbit coupling.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Exploring Superconductivity in the Close Proximity of Polar-Nonpolar Structural Phase Transition
A polar-nonpolar structural phase transition and corresponding increase in superconducting transition temperature Tc are observed in chemically doped PtBi2. Tc increases as the system approaches the phase boundary.
Giant Vortices of Fish: Mechanisms and Patterns
The origin of giant rotating clusters of fish is revealed by a new agent-based model that incorporates the topological nature of interactions and the escape response characteristic to fish.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Origin of Metamagnetic Transition (MMT) in the Spin-Triplet Superconductivity in UTe2
State-of-the-art magnetostriction measurements in a pulsed-magnetic field reveal the origin of a metamagnetic transition of spin-triplet superconductor UTe2. We propose that the uranium valence fluctuation plays a crucial role in its metamagnetic and superconducting transitions.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
PICKUPUnraveling the Unique Properties of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
Scientists review the magnetism, non-Fermi liquid behavior, and quantum critical behavior observed in icosahedral quasicrystals (QCs), and compare these properties with that of heavy fermions and approximant crystals.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
New Chiral Molecular Ferroelectrics
A new chiral ferroelectric material is discovered in a purely organic system, 1,1’-bi-2-naphthol・2 dimethyl sulfoxide (BINOL・2DMSO).Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
PICKUPTensor Networks Across Physics
Researchers from Japan provide the first comprehensive review of the historical development of tensor networks from a statistical mechanics viewpoint, with a focus on its theoretical background.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Towards Radionuclide Cancer Therapy with High Purity 177Lu from Enriched 176Yb Samples
A method was developed to estimate the isotopic compositions of enriched 176Yb sample required for producing radionuclide 177Lu used for cancer therapy, with high radionuclide purity in accelerators.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Nuclear physics
Understanding Relaxor Ferroelectrics with Simple Landau Theory
Third-order nonlinear dielectric susceptibility is measured in the paraelectric phase of Pb(Sc1/2Ta1/2)O3. The linear and nonlinear dielectric susceptibility results can be consistently explained based on the Landau-type free-energy density.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter