NEW PICKUPUnlocking Secrets of Novel Charge-Orbital States in Transition-Metal Compounds
A new Special Topics edition of the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan features articles exploring special transition-metal compounds that exhibit novel charge-orbital states.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electron states in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
NEWLarge Thermoelectric Effect in High Mobility Semimetals
This study clarifies that the high mobility semimetal Ta2PdSe6 generates large Seebeck and Nernst effects at low temperatures, providing insight for exploring good thermoelectric materials for low-temperature applications.Electronic transport in condensed matter
NEWA New Method for Probing Hidden Multipoles in Crystal Field Quartet Using Ultrasonic Waves
A new method of acoustically driven resonance is proposed to unveil the multipole degrees of freedom of a crystal-field quartet and demonstrate the realization of spin acoustic control.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Towards Next Generation Magnetic Storage: Magnetic Skyrmions in EuPtSi
This study explores the magnetic behavior of rare-earth magnet EuPtSi using single-crystal neutron diffraction, potentially revealing magnetic skyrmion lattice formation.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
The Stiffness of Electronic Nematicity
Using laser-excited photoelectron emission microscope (laser-PEEM) we found that the nematic stiffness in iron-based superconductors significantly increases as the systems become strange metals, suggesting that spin–orbital fluctuations enhance the stiffness of electronic nematicity.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
PICKUPRevival of JRR-3: A New Frontier in Neutron Scattering Research
This Special Topics edition of JPSJ details the capabilities and upgrades made to the instruments at JRR-3, since its shutdown after the Great East Japan Earthquake and 2011.Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Elementary particles, fields, and strings
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Nuclear physics
Imaging Atomic Displacement in BaTiO3 with Neutron Holography
Newly developed neutron holography was applied to ferroelectric BaTiO3 to evaluate oxygen displacement, providing important structural information for improving the ability of dielectric materials to store electricity.
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Chiral Gauge Field and Topological Magnetoelectric Response in Fully Spin-Polarized Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Co3Sn2S2
This study clarifies the relationship between magnetic ordering and chiral gauge fields in the ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2, highlighting its spintronic potential using the topological magnetoelectric responses of Weyl fermions.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Fermi Machine — Quantum Many-Body Solver Derived from Mapping between Noninteracting and Strongly Correlated Fermions
Strongly interacting quantum many-body states can be mapped to noninteracting quantum states, enabling a new quantum neural network called the Fermi machine to solve strongly correlated electron problems.
Electron states in condensed matter
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Electricity Provides Cooling
Electric cooling at low temperatures is successfully achieved using a ferroelectric ferromagnetic solid instead of refrigerant gases such as fluorocarbons.Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Single-Crystal Growth of a Cuprate Superconductor with the Highest Critical Temperature
Millimeter-sized single crystals of a trilayer cuprate superconductor (Hg,Re)Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+δ that exhibits the highest superconducting transition temperature under ambient pressure, were grown reproducibly and safely.Superconductivity
A Neural Thermometer for Predicting Phase Transitions of Unknown Systems
A novel convolutional neural network predicts phase transition temperatures from spin configurations without prior information about order parameters, paving the way for the discovery of new materials in condensed matter physics.
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Pressure-Tuned Classical–Quantum Crossover in Magnetic Field-Induced Quantum Phase Transitions of a Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet
The correspondence principle states that as quantum numbers approach infinity, the nature of a system described by quantum mechanics should match that described by classical mechanics. Quantum phenomena, such as quantum superposition and quantum correlation, generally become unobservable when a system approaches this regime. Conversely, as quantum numbers decrease, classical descriptions give way to observable quantum effects. The external approach to classical–quantum crossover has attracted research interest. This study aims to demonstrate a method for achieving such control in materials.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electron states in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Discovery of Light-Induced Mirror Symmetry Breaking
The authors discovered the light-induced mirror symmetry breaking, paving the way for controlling mirror symmetries via light and for realizing various phenomena utilizing the mirror symmetry breaking.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electronic transport in condensed matter
PICKUPThe Mysterious Superconductivity of Sr2RuO4
Researchers review the recent advancements made towards solving the mysteries of the unconventional superconductivity of Sr2RuO4, analyzing recent experiments and theoretical models and proposing approaches to resolve current challenges.
Discovery of Unconventional Pressure-Induced Superconductivity in CrAs
A new study has discovered pressure-induced superconductivity in the helimagnet CrAs, originating in the vicinity of the helimagnetic ordering, representing the first example of superconductivity in Cr-based magnetic systems.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Unification of Spin Helicity in the Magnetic Skyrmion Lattice of EuNiGe3
In the magnetic skyrmion lattice of non-centrosymmetric EuNiGe3, the original magnetic helicity, determined by the antisymmetric exchange interaction, is reversed, resulting in a unified helicity.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Having a Good Friend around Makes Life Better
It is true that having a good friend around makes life better, and this idea is also true in the quantum world.Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Antiferromagnetism Induces Dissipationless Transverse Conductivity
An investigation using high-quality NbMnP crystals demonstrates that the anomalous Hall conductivity arising from antiferromagnetism is dissipationless, as expected from the intrinsic mechanism.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
d2 Trimer and d3 Tetramer in a Pyrochlore Lattice
Based on the charge disproportionation of V3+ and V2+, the V3+(d2) trimers and V2+(d3) tetramers in the vanadium pyrochlore lattice of AlV2O4 are described by the orbitally-induced Peierls mechanism.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electron states in condensed matter
Structural Rotation and Falsely Chiral Antiferromagnetism: A New Combination Generating Ferrotoroidic State
The ferrotoroidic state, an exotic state of matter with broken space inversion and time-reversal symmetries, was achieved by combining structural rotation and falsely chiral antiferromagnetism in PbMn2Ni6Te3O18.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
PICKUPUnderstanding Electronic Ordering and Cross Correlations with Multipole Representation
This study reviews the recent advancements in research of multipole representations for understanding electronic orderings and cross-correlations in materials and presents future research directions.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Evaluation of the Exchange Stiffness Constants of Itinerant Magnets from the First-Principles Calculations
Using first-principles calculations, we evaluated the exchange stiffness constants of ferromagnetic metals at finite temperatures. The constants can be used as parameters in the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation.
Electron states in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Microscopic Exploration of Electronic States in Nickelate Superconductors
The multilayered nickelates, La3Ni2O7 and La4Ni3O10 , were investigated using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) at ambient pressure. Metallic electronic states under the density wave order were observed microscopically for both compounds.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Solving a Stochastic Differential Equation is Solving a Mean-Field Quantum Spin System
The replica method maps matrix-valued geometric Brownian motion to a mean-field quantum spin system. This correspondence makes it possible to obtain an exact solution for matrix-valued geometric Brownian motion.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Cooking in Salt for Ultra-Clean Superconductor UTe2
A new crystal growth technique, the molten salt flux liquid transport method, was developed to produce high-quality single crystals of spin-triplet superconductor UTe2. This method is promising for exploring the exotic superconductivity of other materials.
PICKUPExploring Electronic States in BEDT-TTF Organic Superconductors
This review, published in the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, provides a comprehensive summary of the electronic states observed in BEDT-TTF type organic superconductors, including metal-insulator transitions, Mottness transitions, non-Fermi liquids, quantum spin liquids, and Bose-Einstein condensation.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Conversion of Chiral Phonons into Magnons in Magnets
A new phenomenon involving the conversion of chiral phonons into magnons is theoretically predicted. The effective magnetic field induced by chiral phonons causes a change in the spin magnetization of magnets.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Which is Moving?—Pinning Down the Origin of Fluctuations in Muon Spin Relaxation—
The study demonstrated that we can distinguish between the diffusion motion of the muon itself and the motion of the surrounding ions in muon spin relaxation.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Variety of Mechanically Induced Spin Currents in Rashba Systems
Various types of spin currents, including unconventional types, are generated in Rashba spin-orbit coupled systems by dynamic lattice distortions associated with, for example, surface acoustic waves.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
What Determines the Sign of Spin Current? ~ Theoretical Study of Spin Seebeck Effect in Antiferromagnetic Insulators
We developed a microscopic theory for the spin Seebeck effect in antiferromagnets, that explains the sign reversal of the spin current at the spin-flop transition point and describes the sorts of dominant carriers.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Chiral Anomalies in Organic Dirac Semimetals
A three-dimensional massless Dirac fermion system exhibiting broken chiral symmetry was successfully realized in organic conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 under high pressures. Our study detected the chiral anomaly-induced negative magnetoresistance and planar Hall effects and opened new avenues for further advancements in the field.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Relation between Mean-Field Theory and Atomic Structures in Chalcogenide Glasses
The authors conducted various of X-ray and neutron scattering experiments on typical chalcogenide glasses and clarified the relationship between the atomic structure and simple rigidity percolation theory.
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Thermodynamic Property of a CMOS Device beyond Landauer Limit
Focusing on a CMOS NAND GATE operating in a sub-threshold region, the thermodynamic cost of computation was analyzed in relation to input/output voltages surpassing the Landauer limit.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Current Melt Frozen Electrons
The origin of the current-induced insulator-to-metal transition of samarium monosulfide was explained by the 4f−5d hybridization observed using optical reflectivity and photoelectron spectroscopies.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Towards Uncovering the Hidden Order of URu2Si2 Phase Transition
We propose a chiral charge as the hidden order parameter in URu2Si2 and present experiments to detect it by focusing on breakings of mirror and inversion symmetries at the local uranium ion.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Possible Origin of High Thermoelectric Power Factor in Ultrathin FeSe: A Two-band Model
The high thermoelectric power factor observed in ultrathin FeSe can be theoretically explained by a two-band model with chemical potential between upper and lower band bottoms.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Quantum Dripping of Superfluid 4He
Superfluid 4He droplets exhibit robustly quantized dripping periods despite gradually varying input flow rates owing to their high amplitude and undamped oscillation.Electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, heat transfer, and classical and fluid mechanics
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
One-Way Optical Waveguide Realized by Edge Modes of Topological Photonic Crystals
A one-way optical waveguide was realized on the boundary between two types of photonic crystals with different topological properties, which were demonstrated by high-resolution infrared reflection measurements.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, heat transfer, and classical and fluid mechanics
PICKUPExploring Recent Advances in the Physics of Biofluid Locomotion
This Special Topics Edition of the JPSJ describes the latest advances in the field of biofluid locomotion, shedding light on the underlying physics behind the movement of organisms that swim and fly.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, heat transfer, and classical and fluid mechanics
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Magnetic Excitation in S = 1/2 Antiferromagnetic Chain CsCoCl3 with Ising-Like Exchange Interaction
The results of high-field electron spin resonance measurements in the millimeter-wave to terahertz region reveal unconventional magnetic excitation in S = 1/2 one-dimensional antiferromagnets.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Strange Elastic Anomalies with Ultraslow Dynamics around Magnetic Critical Endpoint
Near the magnetic critical endpoint of UCoAl, peculiar elastic anomalies exhibiting exotic ultraslow dynamics arising from electric quadrupoles are indicated. Combining this with diverse fluctuations, intriguing phenomena and exotic ground states are expected.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
A New Superconductor Family with Various Magnetic Elements
A new superconductor family, Sc6MTe2, has been discovered, comprising seven variations with magnetic elements labeled as M. Notably, only a few known superconductor families exist that involve various magnetic elements.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electron states in condensed matter
Study of Unconventional Slow Critical Dynamics of the Frustrated Magnet DyRu2Si2
~Spontaneous Alignment of Emergent Ferromagnetic Spin Textures?~
We measured the ac susceptibility of the frustrated magnet DyRu2Si2, in the partially ordered phase, where emergent 2-dimensional (2-D) disordered planes appear, and revealed extraordinarily slow and unconventional dynamics, which could be attributed to the highly fluctuating nature of the emergent 2-D planes.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interactions in Magnetism, Electricity, and Electronics
A collection of papers in the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan advances our understanding of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and paves the way for developing next generation computing and electronic systems.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electron states in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Antisymmetric Exchange Interaction Selects the Cycloidal Helicity: Observation by Resonant X-ray Diffraction
The unique sense of rotation of the cycloidal magnetic order was clarified in noncentrosymmetric EuIrGe3 by using circularly polarized resonant x-ray diffraction.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
How Many Excitons Can Combine?
Quantum diffusion Monte Carlo simulation demonstrated the formation of polyexcitons in two-dimensional multi-valley semiconductor systems, where all exciton pairs were energetically bound by equal-strength “chemical bonds.”
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Exploring Vortex Dynamics in a Multi-band Superconductor
We measured the microwave flux-flow Hall effect in FeSe, where the cancellation of holes and electrons was observed. This is a novel effect of multi-band superconductors.
Toward Accurate Diamond Quantum Sensing
A systematic investigation of the optical power dependence of the response of diamond quantum sensors provides valuable guidelines for accurate magnetic field measurements.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Topological Properties of the Periodic Toda Lattice: Analogy with the Thouless Pump
We find that the periodic Toda lattice belongs to the same topological class as the Thouless pump.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling