FieldsElectronic transport in condensed matter
NEW PICKUPA Unified Theory of Topological Hall Effect
This paper presents a unified theoretical description for the topological Hall effect, covering the entire region from strong- to weak-coupling, extending its picture beyond the Berry phase.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
NEW PICKUPExcitonic Insulators: Challenges in Realizing a Theoretically Predicted State of Matter
The realization of an excitonic insulator can help in the establishment of a new electronic state in condensed matter physics, one that has the potential to exhibit novel electric, magnetic, and optical responses beyond those of conventional materials.
Electron states in condensed matter
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Triangular Lattice Magnet GdGa2: Spin Cycloids and Skyrmions
Careful measurements were conducted on the hexagonal magnet GdGa2 to reveal the experimental signatures of ultrasmall spin cycloids and of a potential Néel-type skyrmion lattice phase induced by a magnetic field.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Large Thermoelectric Effect in High Mobility Semimetals
This study clarifies that the high mobility semimetal Ta2PdSe6 generates large Seebeck and Nernst effects at low temperatures, providing insight for exploring good thermoelectric materials for low-temperature applications.Electronic transport in condensed matter
The Stiffness of Electronic Nematicity
Using laser-excited photoelectron emission microscope (laser-PEEM) we found that the nematic stiffness in iron-based superconductors significantly increases as the systems become strange metals, suggesting that spin–orbital fluctuations enhance the stiffness of electronic nematicity.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Chiral Gauge Field and Topological Magnetoelectric Response in Fully Spin-Polarized Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Co3Sn2S2
This study clarifies the relationship between magnetic ordering and chiral gauge fields in the ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2, highlighting its spintronic potential using the topological magnetoelectric responses of Weyl fermions.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Discovery of Light-Induced Mirror Symmetry Breaking
The authors discovered the light-induced mirror symmetry breaking, paving the way for controlling mirror symmetries via light and for realizing various phenomena utilizing the mirror symmetry breaking.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Discovery of Unconventional Pressure-Induced Superconductivity in CrAs
A new study has discovered pressure-induced superconductivity in the helimagnet CrAs, originating in the vicinity of the helimagnetic ordering, representing the first example of superconductivity in Cr-based magnetic systems.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Antiferromagnetism Induces Dissipationless Transverse Conductivity
An investigation using high-quality NbMnP crystals demonstrates that the anomalous Hall conductivity arising from antiferromagnetism is dissipationless, as expected from the intrinsic mechanism.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
PICKUPExploring Electronic States in BEDT-TTF Organic Superconductors
This review, published in the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, provides a comprehensive summary of the electronic states observed in BEDT-TTF type organic superconductors, including metal-insulator transitions, Mottness transitions, non-Fermi liquids, quantum spin liquids, and Bose-Einstein condensation.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Conversion of Chiral Phonons into Magnons in Magnets
A new phenomenon involving the conversion of chiral phonons into magnons is theoretically predicted. The effective magnetic field induced by chiral phonons causes a change in the spin magnetization of magnets.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Variety of Mechanically Induced Spin Currents in Rashba Systems
Various types of spin currents, including unconventional types, are generated in Rashba spin-orbit coupled systems by dynamic lattice distortions associated with, for example, surface acoustic waves.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
What Determines the Sign of Spin Current? ~ Theoretical Study of Spin Seebeck Effect in Antiferromagnetic Insulators
We developed a microscopic theory for the spin Seebeck effect in antiferromagnets, that explains the sign reversal of the spin current at the spin-flop transition point and describes the sorts of dominant carriers.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Chiral Anomalies in Organic Dirac Semimetals
A three-dimensional massless Dirac fermion system exhibiting broken chiral symmetry was successfully realized in organic conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 under high pressures. Our study detected the chiral anomaly-induced negative magnetoresistance and planar Hall effects and opened new avenues for further advancements in the field.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Thermodynamic Property of a CMOS Device beyond Landauer Limit
Focusing on a CMOS NAND GATE operating in a sub-threshold region, the thermodynamic cost of computation was analyzed in relation to input/output voltages surpassing the Landauer limit.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
PICKUPGeometry-Based Nonlinear and Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Solids
Researchers from The University of Tokyo have recently reviewed geometric aspects of nonlinear and nonequilibrium optical phenomena for advanced materials applications in novel solar panels, photodetectors, diodes, and quantum computing.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Quantum Hall Effect in Bulk (Multilayered) Organic Crystal
The multilayer quantum Hall effect is discovered in an organic massless Dirac electron system, α-(BETS)2I3 under pressure at low temperatures and a magnetic field of approximately 1 T.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
PICKUPHigh Magnetic Field as a Tool for Discovery in Condensed Matter Physics
The Journal of the Physical Society of Japan highlights in this special topic recent advances in modern physics that have been realized with the generation of pulsed high magnetic fields.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electron states in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Strange Metal Behavior Potentially Associated to Hidden Electronic Nematicity
Iron-based superconductor, Ba1-xRbxFe2As2, exhibits “strange metal” behavior—linear dependence of resistivity on temperature. It seems that hidden electronic nematic fluctuations play a greater role than the well-known antiferromagnetic fluctuations.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Thermoelectric Response in Strongly Disordered Systems
Based on the Kubo–Luttinger linear response theory, we discovered that the low-T Seebeck coefficient for Mott variable-range hopping in a d-dimensional system varies as S ∝ Td/(d+1), which is different from the conventional S ∝ T(d−1)/(d+1). In addition, the experimental data for S of CuCrTiS4 at low T are in excellent agreement with our prediction S ∝ T3/4 (d = 3).
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Spin Transport in a Two-Dimensional Tilted Dirac Electron System
We propose that spin current in an organic conductor, α-(BETS)2I3, is an appropriate physical quantity to detect the topological nature of the material whose electrons obey a quasi-two-dimensional Dirac equation.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Violation of Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem Results in Robustness of Fluctuation Against Localization
We study equilibrium current fluctuations in systems without time-reversal symmetry, violating the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Notably, the off-diagonal fluctuation is insensitive to system imperfections in contrast to other fluctuations and conductivity.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Topological Aspects of a Nonlinear System: The Dimerized Toda Lattice
A nonlinear topological phase is shown to emerge in the dimerized Toda lattice. It is experimentally detectable by measuring the voltage propagation in electric circuits.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Unusual Nonlinear Conductivity in Charge-Ordered α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3
Unusual nonlinear conduction is detected in organic molecular salt α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3. The observed third-order nonlinear conductivity implies a quadrupole instability hidden in this charge-ordered organic salt.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
New Systematic Analysis Method of Identifying Microscopic Essential Couplings
We propose a systematic method of identifying essential model parameters for nonlinear response tensors. The analysis results reveal fundamental couplings in nontrivial responses and promote further development of multiferroic responses.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Twist in the Tale: Exploring the Dielectric Screening Effect in Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Although the screening of an external electric field, strongly influences the electronic states of two-dimensional material stack, it is not well understood. Magnetotransport measurements of twisted double bilayer graphene uncovered the screening of atomic layers.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Spin-Wave Dynamics in Antiferromagnets under Electric Current
Electric current causes a Doppler effect in spin waves in ferromagnets through a spin-transfer torque. We report that antiferromagnets allow two such spin-transfer torques and present a microscopic analysis that interpolates ferro- and antiferromagnetic transport regimes.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Materials with Dirac Loops: A Potential Solution for Next-generation Electronics
A high-quality single crystal of rhenium oxide shows significantly large magnetoresistance, potentially originating from a unique electronic structure called “hourglass Dirac chain” protected by the symmetry of the crystal.
Electron states in condensed matter
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Measurements and Implications of Shot Noise in Mesoscopic Systems
Shot noise measurements provide rewarding insights into system properties, non-equilibrium phenomena, and quantum effects in mesoscopic systems.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Exploring the Thermoelectric Properties of Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanotubes
A semiconducting carbon nanotube doped with an optimal concentration of nitrogen delivered a thermoelectric power substantially higher than that delivered by commercial Bi2Te3 alloys.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Finding Pattern in Randomness: Brownian Motion of Skyrmions
The chiral properties of the Brownian motion of magnetic skyrmions in one- and two-dimensional systems in thermal equilibrium are reported.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Nonlinear Thermoelectric Transport Will Open a New and Exotic Way to Detect Topological Nature of Dirac Electrons in Solids
Recently, it was proposed that a novel nonlinear anomalous Ettingshausen effect enabled a new and exotic approach to observe topological nature of Dirac electrons in solids using thermoelectric properties.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Semiconductor to Semimetal to Superconductor: An Excitonic Journey
A phase diagram was constructed for Ta2NiSe5, a promising candidate for excitonic insulators, using high pressure as a tuning parameter. The results indicated pressure-induced superconductivity in the semimetallic phase.Electronic transport in condensed matter
Exploring the Physics of Ferrimagnets for Future Spintronics Applications
This Special Topics collection of the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan covers recent progress in spintronics research on ferrimagnetic materials.Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Overlooked Materials Host Rich Physics of Strongly Correlated Electrons
An international team of researchers reviews the research progress on strongly spin-orbit coupled systems, providing an overview of theoretically predicted electronic phases, candidate materials, and unusual experimental observations.
Electron states in condensed matter
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
How a Potentially Novel Effect Converts AC Current into DC Heat Flow
A novel current-induced thermoelectric phenomenon, the nonlinear anomalous Ettingshausen effect, was discussed. As an example, the weak charge ordering state in an organic conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 was focused on. This effect generates a transverse heat current with rectifying characteristics, namely unidirectionality even under AC fields.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
PICKUPRandom Numbers Can Help Solve Difficult Problems in Many-body Physics
Theorists review a random state vector-based description of quantum many-body systems which helps greatly reduce the computational burden involved in their numerical simulations, opening doors to applications in quantum computing.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
No Mass Gap Phase Transition in Novel Massless Dirac Fermion Material
Using an organic massless Dirac fermion system, we found that massless Dirac fermions undergo a quantum phase transition without creating any mass gap even in the strong coupling regime.
Electron states in condensed matter
Electronic transport in condensed matter
What Dictates Nonlinear Behavior in Strongly Correlated Insulators?
The nonlinear conduction (the deviation from Ohm's law) has been discovered universally in various correlated materials. This may be explained by the percolation conduction in disordered materials.Electronic transport in condensed matter
Statistical physics and thermodynamics