FieldsStructure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Bayesian Insights into X-ray Laue Oscillations: Quantitative Surface Roughness and Noise Modeling
This study adopts Bayesian inference using the replica exchange Monte Carlo method to accurately estimate thin-film properties from X-ray Laue oscillation data, enabling quantitative analysis and appropriate noise modeling.
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Hyperuniform and Multifractal States in Bosonic Quasicrystalline Systems
Quantum states can be categorized as hyperuniform or multifractal based on electronic characteristics. This study demonstrates that bosonic quasicrystalline systems exhibit hyperuniform or multifractal quantum states.
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Spin-Spin Interaction Mediated by Rotational Lattice Vibrations
This study predicts the presence of spin-spin interactions mediated by the angular momentum of lattice vibrations, which can be long-range.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
PICKUPUnlocking Secrets of Novel Charge-Orbital States in Transition-Metal Compounds
A new Special Topics edition of the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan features articles exploring special transition-metal compounds that exhibit novel charge-orbital states.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electron states in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Imaging Atomic Displacement in BaTiO3 with Neutron Holography
Newly developed neutron holography was applied to ferroelectric BaTiO3 to evaluate oxygen displacement, providing important structural information for improving the ability of dielectric materials to store electricity.
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Electricity Provides Cooling
Electric cooling at low temperatures is successfully achieved using a ferroelectric ferromagnetic solid instead of refrigerant gases such as fluorocarbons.Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Evaluation of the Exchange Stiffness Constants of Itinerant Magnets from the First-Principles Calculations
Using first-principles calculations, we evaluated the exchange stiffness constants of ferromagnetic metals at finite temperatures. The constants can be used as parameters in the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation.
Electron states in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Which is Moving?—Pinning Down the Origin of Fluctuations in Muon Spin Relaxation—
The study demonstrated that we can distinguish between the diffusion motion of the muon itself and the motion of the surrounding ions in muon spin relaxation.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Variety of Mechanically Induced Spin Currents in Rashba Systems
Various types of spin currents, including unconventional types, are generated in Rashba spin-orbit coupled systems by dynamic lattice distortions associated with, for example, surface acoustic waves.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Relation between Mean-Field Theory and Atomic Structures in Chalcogenide Glasses
The authors conducted various of X-ray and neutron scattering experiments on typical chalcogenide glasses and clarified the relationship between the atomic structure and simple rigidity percolation theory.
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Possible Origin of High Thermoelectric Power Factor in Ultrathin FeSe: A Two-band Model
The high thermoelectric power factor observed in ultrathin FeSe can be theoretically explained by a two-band model with chemical potential between upper and lower band bottoms.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Quantum Dripping of Superfluid 4He
Superfluid 4He droplets exhibit robustly quantized dripping periods despite gradually varying input flow rates owing to their high amplitude and undamped oscillation.Electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, heat transfer, and classical and fluid mechanics
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
PICKUPExploring Recent Advances in the Physics of Biofluid Locomotion
This Special Topics Edition of the JPSJ describes the latest advances in the field of biofluid locomotion, shedding light on the underlying physics behind the movement of organisms that swim and fly.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, heat transfer, and classical and fluid mechanics
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Strange Elastic Anomalies with Ultraslow Dynamics around Magnetic Critical Endpoint
Near the magnetic critical endpoint of UCoAl, peculiar elastic anomalies exhibiting exotic ultraslow dynamics arising from electric quadrupoles are indicated. Combining this with diverse fluctuations, intriguing phenomena and exotic ground states are expected.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
PICKUPTowards a New Phase in Materials Science with Hyperordered Structures
A Special Topics edition of the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan features articles discussing recent advancements in hyperordered structures in materials, their applications, and the techniques for observing them.
Atomic and molecular physics
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electron states in condensed matter
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
What Determines Non-Newtonian Flow Behavior in Glass-Forming Liquids?
Even minute structural changes can lead to significant reductions in the flow resistances of glass-forming liquids. Here, possible scenarios and predictions for two different classes of glass-forming liquids are provided.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Clockwise or Anticlockwise, That is the Question: Phonons with Angular Momentum in Chiral Crystals
Chiral crystals have lattice structures with no mirror or inversion symmetries.
A few basic questions about their unique phonon excitations with intrinsic angular momentum are answered.Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy Microscopy: A Tool to Accelerate Nanomaterials Research
Researchers have published a practical guide on new uses of photoelectron microscopy combined with valence band dispersion analysis. They visualized several-micrometers-wide graphite facets and precisely characterized the band structure.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Powered by Machine Learning: Obtaining Spectral Conductivity and Chemical Potential of Thermoelectric Materials from Experimental Data
We propose a machine-learning method to obtain the fundamental physical quantity, namely, the spectral conductivity, from experimental data of thermoelectric coefficients. Our study introduces a new data-driven approach that reveals the underlying low-energy electronic states of high-performance thermoelectric materials.
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
PICKUPPhonon Simulations and Its Applications
Computation of phonons using first principles has many applications for understanding crystal properties. This review provides an overview of the present capabilities of such simulations using finite displacement supercell approach.
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
PICKUPHigh Magnetic Field as a Tool for Discovery in Condensed Matter Physics
The Journal of the Physical Society of Japan highlights in this special topic recent advances in modern physics that have been realized with the generation of pulsed high magnetic fields.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Electron states in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Can a Node-Less Wave Function Have Higher Energy than Node-Full Ones?
“The energy level of an electron state increases as the number of nodes in its wave function increases.” The preceding statement, often found in textbooks, was challenged by our large-scale DFT (density-functional theory) calculations performed for the decavacancy in Si crystal.
Electron states in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
PICKUPUnraveling the Unique Properties of Icosahedral Quasicrystals
Scientists review the magnetism, non-Fermi liquid behavior, and quantum critical behavior observed in icosahedral quasicrystals (QCs), and compare these properties with that of heavy fermions and approximant crystals.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Understanding Relaxor Ferroelectrics with Simple Landau Theory
Third-order nonlinear dielectric susceptibility is measured in the paraelectric phase of Pb(Sc1/2Ta1/2)O3. The linear and nonlinear dielectric susceptibility results can be consistently explained based on the Landau-type free-energy density.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Four-Dimensional XY Quantum Phase Transition in Superfluid Helium-4
Liquid helium confined in nanopores exhibits a quantum superfluid transition at absolute zero. Investigations have revealed that the quantum nature also dominates the finite-temperature superfluid transition, obeying a simple mean-field theory.
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Phosphorous-Based Zintl Compounds as Viable Semimetals
A black-phosphorus-derived Zintl compound, MoP4, is obtained by high-pressure synthesis. The material exhibits a non-quadratic large magnetoresistance and semi-metallic Seebeck behavior, as predicted by the first principles calculations yielding massive and non-symmorphic Dirac semimetal states.
Electron states in condensed matter
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Exploring the Basic Principles and Functionalities of Spintronic Thermal Management
Scientists propose a new spin caloritronics concept called “spintronic thermal management” and provide a comprehensive overview of basic principles, physical behaviors, and heat control functionalities associated with the concept.Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
The Mysteries of Charge Order and Charge Fluctuations in Cuprate Superconductors
This Special Topics issue condenses the latest research on the enigmatic characteristics of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates through the observation and elucidation of charge order, charge fluctuations, and other phenomena.Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Exploring the Thermoelectric Properties of Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanotubes
A semiconducting carbon nanotube doped with an optimal concentration of nitrogen delivered a thermoelectric power substantially higher than that delivered by commercial Bi2Te3 alloys.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Finding Pattern in Randomness: Brownian Motion of Skyrmions
The chiral properties of the Brownian motion of magnetic skyrmions in one- and two-dimensional systems in thermal equilibrium are reported.
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Nonlinear Thermoelectric Transport Will Open a New and Exotic Way to Detect Topological Nature of Dirac Electrons in Solids
Recently, it was proposed that a novel nonlinear anomalous Ettingshausen effect enabled a new and exotic approach to observe topological nature of Dirac electrons in solids using thermoelectric properties.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Exploring the Physics of Ferrimagnets for Future Spintronics Applications
This Special Topics collection of the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan covers recent progress in spintronics research on ferrimagnetic materials.Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Uncovering the Superlattice Structure of Calcium Iridium Oxide at Phase Transition
Order parameter of non-magnetic phase transition at 105 K, which is called "hidden order", was revealed in spin-orbit coupled iridate Ca5Ir3O12. This discover of order parameter with rotational and directional degrees of freedom in atomic scale will lead to development of energy saving devices with a fast cross-correlated response.Electron states in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Descriptor of Thermogalvanic Cell for Waste-heat Harvesting
The scaling relation between the Seebeck coefficient and solvent viscosity would enable for the design of improved thermogalvanic cells.
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
How a Potentially Novel Effect Converts AC Current into DC Heat Flow
A novel current-induced thermoelectric phenomenon, the nonlinear anomalous Ettingshausen effect, was discussed. As an example, the weak charge ordering state in an organic conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 was focused on. This effect generates a transverse heat current with rectifying characteristics, namely unidirectionality even under AC fields.
Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
Electronic transport in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
A Solvent Viscosity-dependent Thermoelectric Conversion Efficiency
We found a beautiful empirical rule (α ∝ η-0.4) between the electrochemical Seebeck coefficient α for Fe2+/Fe3+ redox pair and viscosity coefficient η of the organic solvent.
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Nanospace-confined Helium Shows Four-dimensional Quantum Phase Transition (QPT)
Helium confined in a nanoporous material shows a four dimensional superfluid transition. This is a unique example of four dimensional critical phenomenon caused by strong quantum fluctuation.
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
BKT Phase Transitions in Magnetic Systems: Formations of Narrow Stripes and Vortex–Antivortex Pairs in a Quasi-2D Ferromagnet K2CuF4
Cryogenic Lorentz transmission electron microscopy directly shows that vortex and antivortex pairs emerge in a quasi-two-dimensional ferromagnet K2CuF4. This work may reveal the nature of Berezinskii, Kosterlitz, and Thouless phase transition in a magnetic system.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
How is Brownian Motion Affected by a Fluctuating Random Surface?
A researcher has developed a new theory to describe the Brownian motion of a small object that is confined in a fluctuating random surface.
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Extending Machine Learning to Fermion–Boson Coupled Systems and Excited-State Calculations
We have demonstrated the power of machine learning in representing quantum many-body states accurately. We have extended the applicability of neural-network wave functions and shown their usefulness in fermion-boson-coupled systems and excited-state calculations.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Toward a Hydrogen Society: Harnessing the Power of the Smallest Element
Comprehensive curated reviews by researchers on the latest research in hydrogen-related applications, including proton conductors, superconductivity, electrochemistry with hydrides, and more.Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Hydrogen Science: Exploring the Properties of our Universe’s Smallest Building Block
Reviews on the most recent advances in hydrogen science, including cutting-edge fundamental studies in condensed matter physics with hydrogen-containing materials.Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter