タイトル TITLE Infographic 2022.5.27 Simulating Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theory with Quantum Algorithms Infographic 2022.5.23 Understanding Relaxor Ferroelectrics with Simple Landau Theory Infographic 2022.4.13 Spin Transport in a Two-Dimensional Tilted Dirac Electron System Infographic 2022.3.23 Violation of Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem Results in Robustness of Fluctuation Against Localization Infographic 2022.3.18 Four-Dimensional XY Quantum Phase Transition in Superfluid Helium-4 Infographic 2022.3.16 Topological Aspects of a Nonlinear System: The Dimerized Toda Lattice Infographic 2022.3.9 Unusual Nonlinear Conductivity in Charge-Ordered α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 Infographic 2022.3.1 Economic Irreversibility: The Universal Guiding Principle of Infection Control Infographic 2022.2.24 High-Precision Observation of Cosmic Gamma-ray Sources with the GRAINE Telescope Infographic 2022.2.10 Realizing Spin Liquids Experimentally with Kapellasite-type Quantum Kagome Antiferromagnet < 1 … 8 9 10 11 12 … 15 >