タイトル TITLE
Infographic2025.2.6 Exploring Materials without Data Exposure: A Bayesian Optimizer using Secure Computation
Researchers in the field of materials science are applying informatics methods to optimize the properties of materials. To accelerate their search, they need to gather data; however, they face the dilemma of whether to reveal or conceal their data. Secure computation offers an alternative; it allows the use of data without exposing them. We recently […]
Infographic2025.2.3 Triangular Lattice Magnet GdGa2: Spin Cycloids and Skyrmions
The necessity for faster, more efficient data storage has produced a bottleneck in the memory device industry, as manufacturers are unable to accommodate the demand for larger storage space and faster data access rates. Skyrmions, which are topologically stable, vortex-like magnetic structures at the nanometer scale, have emerged as a promising alternative to conventional data […]
Infographic2025.1.28 Development of a High-Power UV Laser for High-Fidelity Rydberg Excitation
Neutral atoms trapped in optical tweezer arrays have attracted significant interest as platforms for quantum computing. The implementation of two-qubit gates, which is crucial for universal quantum computation, is achieved through interactions between Rydberg atoms, where the valence electron of the atom is excited to an orbital with a large principal quantum number. Ytterbium (Yb), […]
Infographic2025.1.24 Spin-Spin Interaction Mediated by Rotational Lattice Vibrations
In solids, atoms are arranged in a regular pattern; however, atoms can vibrate from their equilibrium positions through vibrational modes known as phonons. In particular, the circularly polarized vibrational motions of ions are called chiral phonons (note that there is another definition for chiral phonons. In this study, we refer to two-dimensional (2D) rotational phonons […]
Infographic2025.1.14 How to construct a 3D Dirac semimetal by stacking 2D massless Dirac fermion layers
Dirac and Weyl semimetals are three-dimensional (3D) topological semimetals in which the conduction and valence bands touch at nodal points with a linear dispersion in the 3D Brillouin zone (BZ). They exhibit characteristic magnetotransport phenomena, negative longitudinal magnetoresistance and a planar Hall effect, resulting from the chiral anomaly. Recently, a layered organic conductor, α-(ET)2I3, exhibited […]
Infographic2024.12.23 Large Thermoelectric Effect in High Mobility Semimetals
Semimetals are a class of materials characterized by a slight overlap between their conduction and valence bands. Owing to the band structure, the same number of electrons and holes coexist in an ideal semimetal, even at the lowest temperature, giving rise to exotic transport phenomena such as nonsaturating large magnetoresistance. On the other hand, it […]
Infographic2024.12.16 A New Method for Probing Hidden Multipoles in Crystal Field Quartet Using Ultrasonic Waves
Magnetic atoms primarily exhibit the properties of magnetic dipoles. In addition to magnetic dipoles general, solid-state spins have electric quadrupoles and magnetic octupoles known as typical multipole degrees of freedom. Magnetic dipoles can be coupled to a magnetic field and are easily detectable. However, directly observing the characteristics of multipoles is challenging because of the […]
Infographic2024.12.10 Towards Next Generation Magnetic Storage: Magnetic Skyrmions in EuPtSi
Magnetic skyrmions are nanoscale, vortex-like collections of magnetic moments that appear in some magnetic materials. These are arranged in a stable, swirling pattern, forming a topologically protected structure, meaning that they cannot be easily destroyed or transformed. This stability, and the ability to be driven by ultra-low currents, make magnetic skyrmions promising for next-generation ultra-low […]
Infographic2024.12.4 New Insights into Finite Temperature Large-N Gauge Theories
First introduced in 1970, the large-N limit in gauge theories has become a fundamental approach in theoretical physics. Originally developed to understand the strong nuclear force—one of the four fundamental forces of nature—large-N gauge theories have since become critical for addressing challenges in quantum gravity as well. In this study, we examined the thermodynamic properties […]
Infographic2024.11.21 The Stiffness of Electronic Nematicity
In recent years, a novel electronic state called the “electronic nematic phase” has attracted much attention. The electronic nematic phase is characterized by rotational symmetry breaking driven by electronic degrees of freedom, such as spins and orbitals, and behaves like a liquid crystal. Iron-based superconductors (IBSs), which are unconventional high-temperature superconductors, are prominent candidates in […]