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Infographic2024.11.1 Chiral Gauge Field and Topological Magnetoelectric Response in Fully Spin-Polarized Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Co3Sn2S2
Weyl semimetals are a class of materials characterized by the presence of Weyl points where the valence and conduction bands touch linearly. Electrons near these points behave as relativistic fermions called Weyl fermions, contributing to topological magnetoelectric responses, such as the anomalous Hall effect. The concept of chiral gauge field was introduced to understand these […]
Infographic2024.10.29 Fermi Machine — Quantum Many-Body Solver Derived from Mapping between Noninteracting and Strongly Correlated Fermions
When attempting to reach the exact ground states of interacting quantum systems, the computational cost increases exponentially with the system size in most cases and is thus intractable, which is known as an NP-hard problem. Unless accurate quantum computers become available, approximate but sufficiently accurate algorithms that are applicable to conventional computers need to be […]
Infographic2024.10.15 Electricity Provides Cooling
Increasing temperatures to higher than the surrounding temperature is easier compared with decreasing temperatures to lower than the surrounding temperature. Many refrigerators and air conditioners use latent heat when liquid evaporates. Additionally, the Joule-Thomson effect and thermoelectric effect, termed the Peltier effect, have been used for cooling. Aligning magnetic moments using an external magnetic field […]
Infographic2024.10.7 A Promising Solution to Nucleon–Nucleon Inverse Scattering Problem
Linear or nonlinear dynamical models can explain various real-life phenomena. While linear approximations work well for some systems, others can only be explained by nonlinear models, which greatly complicates calculations. One such phenomenon is the elastic two-body quantum scattering of nucleons. This scattering problem is described by the Variable Phase Approximation (VPA), a nonautonomous nonlinear […]
Infographic2024.9.11 A Neural Thermometer for Predicting Phase Transitions of Unknown Systems
Machine learning has revolutionized research in fields hindered by experimental limitations. One notable application is identifying phases of matter that are classified by order parameters, which measure the degree of order within a system and signal phase transitions. These transitions can range from simple solid-liquid transformations to complex changes in magnetization or superconductivity. Identifying order […]
Infographic2024.9.5 Pressure-Tuned Classical–Quantum Crossover in Magnetic Field-Induced Quantum Phase Transitions of a Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet
The high-pressure application is an experimental means to significantly alter the microscopic physical parameters of a material. At ambient pressure, these physical parameters generally do not change significantly, regardless of the temperature. Recently, the effects of high pressure have been studied across a broad area of condensed matter physics, including pressure-driven high-temperature superconductivity and topological […]
Infographic2024.9.2 Discovery of Light-Induced Mirror Symmetry Breaking
Light can break symmetries in time and space. For example, circularly polarized light can break the time-reversal symmetry. This time-reversal symmetry breaking can be used to generate the light-induced magnetization. Despite several studies on the light-induced symmetry breaking, whether light can break mirror symmetries remains unclear. Recently, we have demonstrated that circularly or linearly polarized […]
Infographic2024.8.13 Discovery of Unconventional Pressure-Induced Superconductivity in CrAs
Superconductivity, the ability of certain materials to conduct electricity with zero resistance when cooled below a certain critical temperature, has intrigued researchers for over a century. Superconducting mechanisms and symmetries vary depending on different materials; hence, discovering superconductivity in new systems is crucial for advancing research. For instance, some materials with transition metals with 3d electron systems […]
Infographic2024.8.7 Unification of Spin Helicity in the Magnetic Skyrmion Lattice of EuNiGe3
The spins of magnetic atoms often form a spin-swirling particle-like structure and then organize themselves into a lattice. This spectacular state is known as a magnetic skyrmion lattice, which is usually a triangular lattice. The skyrmion lattice is represented by a superposition of three helimagnetic waves propagating at 120°angle from each other. Since the helimagnetic […]