タイトル TITLE Infographic 2023.9.5 Antisymmetric Exchange Interaction Selects the Cycloidal Helicity: Observation by Resonant X-ray Diffraction Infographic 2023.8.31 How Many Excitons Can Combine? Infographic 2023.8.22 Exploring Vortex Dynamics in a Multi-band Superconductor Infographic 2023.8.16 Toward Accurate Diamond Quantum Sensing Infographic 2023.8.8 Topological Properties of the Periodic Toda Lattice: Analogy with the Thouless Pump Infographic 2023.7.26 Double Superconductivity in Nodal Line Material NaAlSi; Coexistence of Bulk and 2D Superconductivities Infographic 2023.7.13 Investigating Δ and Ω Baryons as Meson–Baryon Bound States in Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics Infographic 2023.7.5 Ultra Purification Unveils the Intrinsic Nature in Spin-Triplet Superconductor UTe2 Infographic 2023.6.14 Electron-Hole Asymmetry Observed in Photoinduced Phase Transition of Excitonic Insulators Infographic 2023.6.6 Quantum Hall Effect in Bulk (Multilayered) Organic Crystal < 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 … 15 >