タイトル TITLE Infographic 2023.1.31 Powered by Machine Learning: Obtaining Spectral Conductivity and Chemical Potential of Thermoelectric Materials from Experimental Data Infographic 2023.1.12 Net-Pattern of Muskmelon Rind Favors a Common Mathematical Law Infographic 2023.1.6 Thickness-Dependent Oscillation Behavior of Magnetic Phase Transitions in Pt Ultrathin Films with Small Orbital Moment Infographic 2022.12.1 Insights into the Overlooked Electric Ferro-Axial Ordering Infographic 2022.11.29 Understanding the Obscure Antiferromagnetism in α-Mn by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Infographic 2022.11.16 Observing the de Haas–van Alphen Effect to Unveil the Electronic Structure of UTe2 Superconductor Infographic 2022.11.10 Strange Metal Behavior Potentially Associated to Hidden Electronic Nematicity Infographic 2022.11.7 Thermoelectric Response in Strongly Disordered Systems Infographic 2022.10.27 Birefringence Imaging-Based Investigation of Stress-Induced Phase Transitions in SrTiO3 Infographic 2022.9.29 Topology-Based Method for Determining the Order Parameter of the Putative Spin-Triplet Superconductor UTe2 < 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 … 15 >