NEW PICKUPCharacterizing Quantum Chaos: Exact Analytical Expression for Gap Ratio Distribution
This study presents the exact analytical expressions for gap ratio distribution, which is widely used to measure the chaoticity of quantum systems in many-body systems.
General and Mathematical Physics
Understanding Global Inconsistency and ’t Hooft Anomaly Using Simple Quantum Mechanics
This study explores the implications of global inconsistency and ’t Hooft anomalies for analyzing quantum field theories, using simple quantum mechanical models to provide valuable insights into these complex phenomena.
Theoretical Particle Physics
Implementation of Nuclear Many-Body Wave Functions via Superpositions of Localized Gaussians
An extended version of antisymmetrized molecular dynamics integrated with a mean-field model is proposed, and its potential is demonstrated.Nuclear physics
New Insights into Finite Temperature Large-N Gauge Theories
This study explores the thermodynamic properties of finite-temperature large-N gauge theories, revealing two significant discoveries that could be instrumental for understanding the strong nuclear force and quantum gravity.
Elementary particles, fields, and strings
A Promising Solution to Nucleon–Nucleon Inverse Scattering Problem
This study deals with the inverse elastic two-body quantum scattering problem using Volterra approximations and neural networks, offering a novel approach for solving complex nonlinear systems.
General and Mathematical Physics
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Nuclear physics
PICKUPA New Method for Finding Bound States in the Continuum
This study presents a general theory for constructing potentials supporting bound states in the continuum, offering a method for identifying such states in real quantum systems.General and Mathematical Physics
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Nuclear physics
PICKUPUnderstanding Non-Invertible Symmetries in Higher Dimensions Using Topological Defects
By constructing Kramers-Wannier-Wegner duality and Z2 duality defects and deriving their crossing relations, this study presents the first examples of codimension one non-invertible symmetries in four-dimensional quantum field theories.Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPGeneral Quasi-Joint Probabilities on Finite-State Quantum Systems
This study investigates the properties of general quasi-joint probability distributions in finite-state quantum systems, revealing the Kirkwood-Dirac distribution as among the most favorable. This highlights the importance of complex distributions in understanding quantum probability.
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
PICKUPQuantum Mechanics of One-Dimensional Three-Body Contact Interactions
The quantum mechanical description of topologically nontrivial three-body contact interactions in one dimension is not well understood. This study explores the Hamiltonian description of these interactions using the path-integral formalism.
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Theoretical Particle Physics
Investigating Unitarity Violation of Lee–Wick’s Complex Ghost with Quantum Field Theory
Theories with fourth-order derivatives like Lee–Wick’s quantum electrodynamics model or quadratic gravity result in complex ghosts above a definite energy threshold that violate unitarity.Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPHighly Accurate Estimation of Beta Decay Rates for Heavy Nuclei
Physicists from Japan present complete formulas that consider the induced current and velocity-dependent terms for estimating the beta decay rates in heavy nuclei with high accuracy.
Nuclear physics
Discovering a Local Fluctuation Theorem with Machine Learning
A groundbreaking study reveals a new time-local fluctuation theorem using machine learning, revolutionizing our understanding of deterministic nonequilibrium steady state systems.
Fundamental Theory of Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics,
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Going Beyond Einstein with Modified Theories of Gravity
This study comprehends a way to probe modified theories of gravity on cosmological scales by combining theoretical advancements and observational data for upcoming cosmological observations.
Astrophysics, cosmology, and geophysics
Investigating Δ and Ω Baryons as Meson–Baryon Bound States in Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
We investigate Δ and Ω baryons as meson–baryon bound states in lattice quantum chromodynamics and show that their difference results from the kinematic structure of the two meson–baryon systems, and not their interaction.
Theoretical Particle Physics
Novel Insights Into Bulk Reconstruction in the Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory Correspondence
Bulk reconstruction in anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory is fundamental to our understanding of quantum gravity. We show that contrary to popular belief, bulk reconstruction is rather simple and intuitive.Theoretical Particle Physics
The Stolz–Teichner Conjecture and Supermoonshine
We check the validity of the "divisibility property," predicted by the Stolz–Teichner conjecture, for several infinite families of theories built from Duncan’s Supermoonshine module. Along the way, we develop the tools necessary to construct the so-called "periodicity class."Theoretical Particle Physics
A Closed Bosonic String Field Theory Based on the Fokker–Planck Formalism
A string field theory for closed bosonic strings is formulated using pants decomposition and the Fokker–Planck formalism.Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPPushing the Frontiers: On the Tenth Anniversary of Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
The journal Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP) celebrates its tenth (10th) anniversary in 2023. On this occasion, we take stock of some of its most notable publications.
Fractional Topological Charge Construction in a U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory Framework
We have constructed a fractional topological charge in the lattice Abelian gauge theory formalism, which avoids the issue of infinite degrees of freedom in continuum spacetime quantum field theory.
Theoretical Particle Physics
LiteBIRD: A New Frontier in the Search of Cosmic Inflation Imprint
The newly selected LiteBIRD satellite aims to detect cosmic inflation signals by identifying the imprint of primordial gravitational waves in the Cosmic Microwave Background polarization.
Astrophysics, cosmology, and geophysics
Theoretical Assessment of F-wave Bottom Mesons and Their Properties
We use heavy quark effective theory to study F-wave bottom mesons. Using theory and experimental data, we calculate their masses and analyze their decay widths to estimate the upper bound to the associated couplings.Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPTowards a Better Understanding of the Short-range Repulsive Nuclear Force
In a new study, researchers provide an experimental estimate of the short-range repulsive nuclear force strength based on a high-statistics measurement of the differential cross-section for Σ+p scattering.
Nuclear physics
Representations of KBc Algebra for Generating String Field Theory Solutions
We propose a general method for generating solutions in string field theory from a solution constructed using KBc algebra, and reproduce known solutions constructed earlier using different methods.Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPOpen String Field Theory Beyond Feynman Diagrams
Theoretical physicists propose an alternative way of performing perturbative calculations in an open string field theory that has no analogy in the standard quantum field theory formalism.
Elementary particles, fields, and strings
Theoretical Particle Physics
New Phases of Matter: Topological Physics in the 21st Century
Researchers from Japan highlight in an editorial our current understanding of topological phases of matter, focusing on the classification of the newly discovered symmetry protected topological phases.Fundamental Theory of Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics,
Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPCalculating Impedances for a Particle Accelerator
In a new study, scientists provide a more comprehensive picture of dealing with the impedances of a two-dimensional conductive cylindrical beam pipe with walls of finite thickness and space-charge forces simultaneously.
Beam Physics
PICKUPTesting the Viability of Muon Accelerators
Researchers demonstrate the viability of a radio-frequency linear accelerator to accelerate stopped muons to the speed of light.
Experimental Particle Physics
Simulating Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theory with Quantum Algorithms
Nonperturbative quantum field theory problems can often be difficult to solve with classical algorithms. Researchers now develop quantum computing algorithms to understand such problems in the Hamiltonian formalism.
Theoretical Particle Physics
Getting Around the Sign Problem to Solve an Open Quantum System
Researchers from Japan have found a novel non-equilibrium quantum system that doesn’t have the sign problem. The transport properties of the system are simulated with a Monte Carlo approach.Elementary particles, fields, and strings
Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPQuantum Anomaly in a Dirac Fermion System with Spacetime Dependent Mass
Scientists investigate quantum anomalies in a system of Dirac fermions with spacetime dependent mass and show that the anomaly formulas can be expressed in terms of superconnections.
Elementary particles, fields, and strings
Theoretical Particle Physics
Calculating Superconformal Index of 𝓝 = 4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory for Finite N
The examination of AdS/CFT correspondence for finite N, where quantum gravitational effects become important, reveals that finite N corrections for the superconformal index can be reproduced as D-3 brane contributions.Theoretical Particle Physics
New Classification Theory for Topological Gapless Superconducting Nodes
A new classification theory on topological superconducting gap nodes predicts two new gap structures emerging from a nonsymmorphic crystal symmetry and angular momentum.
PICKUPUnderstanding Phase Transitions in Supersymmetric Quantum Electrodynamics With Resurgence Theory
Using resurgence theory to describe phase transitions in quantum field theory shows that information on non-perturbative effects like phase transitions can be obtained from a perturbative series expansion.
Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPA New Look at Our Universe with Gravitational Wave Astronomy
A new interdisciplinary collaborative project underscores the importance of combining theory with advanced observation techniques to understand gravitational waves and their sources, opening doors to new discoveries about the universe.
Astrophysics, cosmology, and geophysics
PICKUPEstimating Beta Decay Rates Better for Exotic Nuclei
Physicists from Japan demonstrate an improved estimation of the beta decay rate in heavy nuclei by considering next-to-leading-order approximation for the electron wave function distorted by the Coulomb potential.
Nuclear physics
PICKUPDesigning a New Space-borne Interferometer to Probe the History of Our Universe
Scientists present a new design for a space-born laser interferometer that could detect gravitational waves below 10 Hz, letting us probe into new astrophysical phenomena.
Astrophysics, cosmology, and geophysics
PICKUPGeneralizing Poisson Algebra with Geometry
Using a differential geometric interpretation of Hamiltonian mechanics, a generalized Poisson bracket formulation is developed for a three-dimensional phase space characterized by a triplet of canonical variables.
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
PTEP SPECIAL SECTIONAtoms Trapped with Light Behave Like a Dissipative Quantum System
A team of researchers from Japan experimentally realize, for the first time, a dissipative, parity-time symmetric, many-body quantum system from ultracold atoms trapped in an optical lattice.Gases, plasmas, electric discharges, accelerators, and beams
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
PTEP SPECIAL SECTIONNon-real Energies with Real Effects in Exotic Condensed Matter Systems
Scientists demonstrate the presence of non-Hermitian topological properties preserved under continuous physical deformations in strongly correlated systems in equilibrium, resulting from short-lived quanta of collective excitations.Electron states in condensed matter
PTEP SPECIAL SECTIONA Quantum Description of Physical Systems with Non-real Energies
While quantum systems are traditionally described by Hermitian Hamiltonians, the formalism is extendable to a non-Hermitian description for systems that are dissipative or obey parity-time symmetry.Electron states in condensed matter
Gases, plasmas, electric discharges, accelerators, and beams
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Nuclear physics
PICKUPUsing Pulsed Cold Neutrons to Measure Neutron Lifetime
Scientists measure the lifetime of a neutron with pulsed neutron beams to explore the cause of a puzzling discrepancy in their previously measured lifetime.
Elementary particles, fields, and strings
Simulating Equilibrium Behavior of Quantum Fields with Time-evolving Classical Fields
A set of field configurations (replicas) reaches equilibrium of quantum field theory after real-time evolution obeying classical equations of motion.
Elementary particles, fields, and strings
A New Approach to Solving Periodic Differential Systems
Mathematicians and physicists are well acquainted with second-order ordinary differential equations (ODE), the most prominent of them being the class of equations that govern oscillatory motion.
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Antimatter Matters: Making Sense of the Matter–Antimatter Asymmetry at Japan’s Belle-II Facility
Scientists embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries behind matter–antimatter asymmetry in our universe with the new Belle-II experiment at the SuperKEKB accelerator in Japan.
Elementary particles, fields, and strings
The Thin Edge of Entanglement Wedges and Progress in Quantum Gravity
Scientists for the first time theoretically link quantum states and gravity, taking one step further in understanding the origins of gravity and opening doors to novel quantum applications.
Elementary particles, fields, and strings
New Findings Hint Towards Existence of Kaonic Nuclei and Hyper-nuclei
Scientists reveal a new feature in nuclear physics: the existence of kaonic nuclei and hyper-nuclei. These findings can enhance our understanding of nature and contribute to technological progress.Nuclear physics
What Happened to Antimatter?
The Belle-II experiment is designed to explore new mechanisms of matter-antimatter asymmetry that may resolve the mystery behind the dominance of matter over anti-matter in the universe.Elementary particles, fields, and strings