Exploring the Pseudogap in Cuprate Superconductors
Electronic nematic correlation, in which electronic degree of freedom breaks the crystal symmetry, was found to have a potential link to the origin of high-temperature superconductivity in cooper oxide materials.
Under Pressure: Getting the Electronic State of Europium Ions to Changes
Scientists show how pressure and quantum phenomena interplay to alter Europium’s electronic states in a unique manner, opening doors to novel applications in spintronics and technology.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
On and Off: The Physics Behind Photoswitchable Magnetic Octacyanometalates
We make a major breakthrough in understanding the photoswitchable magnetism in square-antiprismatic octacyanometalates. We reveal that the ``bidirectional” magnetism is accompanied by ``monodirectional electronics” to find a possibility of fabricating multifunctional magnetic devices.
Dielectric, optical, and other properties in condensed matter
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
How is Brownian Motion Affected by a Fluctuating Random Surface?
A researcher has developed a new theory to describe the Brownian motion of a small object that is confined in a fluctuating random surface.
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Taking a Better Look at Data to Predict Exceptional Materials
Instead of regression, the evaluation values to measure the degree of separation of the distributions of the target variable were studied and applied to the magneto crystallineanisotropy of Co/Fe films.
Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Using Analogy to Understand Localization in Quantum Annealing
Localization may cause the inefficiency of quantum annealing. The constrained quantum annealing of graph coloring provides a new viewpoint to analyze localization phenomena in quantum annealing.
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Solving Quantum Equations with Gauge Fields: How Explicit Integrators Based on a Bipartite Lattice and Affine Transformations Can Help
We proposed an explicit numerical integrator consisting of affine transformation pairs resulting from the checkerboard lattice for spatial discretization. It can efficiently solve time evolution equations that describe dynamical quantum phenomena under gauge fields, e.g., generation, motion, interaction of quantum vortices in superconductors or superfluids.
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Extending Machine Learning to Fermion–Boson Coupled Systems and Excited-State Calculations
We have demonstrated the power of machine learning in representing quantum many-body states accurately. We have extended the applicability of neural-network wave functions and shown their usefulness in fermion-boson-coupled systems and excited-state calculations.
Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Review of Cutting-Edge Research on Iron Selenide Superconductors
Scientists review the incredible progress in our understanding of the superconducting properties of iron selenide and provide their own insights, taking us one step closer to revolutionizing energy and electronics.Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Toward a Hydrogen Society: Harnessing the Power of the Smallest Element
Comprehensive curated reviews by researchers on the latest research in hydrogen-related applications, including proton conductors, superconductivity, electrochemistry with hydrides, and more.Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Hydrogen Science: Exploring the Properties of our Universe’s Smallest Building Block
Reviews on the most recent advances in hydrogen science, including cutting-edge fundamental studies in condensed matter physics with hydrogen-containing materials.Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology
Structure and mechanical and thermal properties in condensed matter
Novel Material Shows Unconventional Superconductivity with Magnetic Order Under Pressure
Multiple superconductivity wad found in the novel spin-triplet superconductor UTe2, which is called “Silicon of Quantum Computers”. A complicated spin-triplet state is realized as a consequence of spin degree of freedom. This result will lead to a new state of topological superconductivity.Magnetic properties in condensed matter
Multiple Superconducting Phases in UTe2: A Complex Analogy to Superfluid Phases of 3He
In quantum liquids, large differences are observed owing to differences in quantum statistics. The physical properties of liquid 3He (Fermion) and 4He (Boson) are considerably different at low temperatures. After the discovery of superconductivity in electron (i.e., Fermion) systems, a similar pairing ordered state was expected for 3He. Remarkably, the observed ordered state of 3He was more surprising than expected, multiple superfluid phases in the T–P phase diagram. The origin of the multiple phases was attributed to ferromagnetic interactions in the p-wave symmetry state.
Measurement, instrumentation, and techniques
Statistical physics and thermodynamics
Magnetic Responses of Majorana Kramers Pairs on Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Superconductors
We reveal magnetic degrees of freedom of Majorana fermions and find a new type of response that are distinct from those of conventional electrons.Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces and nanostructures
What Dictates Nonlinear Behavior in Strongly Correlated Insulators?
The nonlinear conduction (the deviation from Ohm's law) has been discovered universally in various correlated materials. This may be explained by the percolation conduction in disordered materials.Electronic transport in condensed matter
Statistical physics and thermodynamics