タイトル TITLE Movie 2023.7.10 Geometry-Based Nonlinear and Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Solids Movie 2023.5.18 Microswimmer Hydrodynamics Through the Lens of Jeffery’s Orbits Movie 2023.5.1 Towards a New Phase in Materials Science with Hyperordered Structures Movie 2023.3.30 Pushing the Frontiers: On the Tenth Anniversary of Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics Movie 2022.12.26 Phonon Simulations and Its Applications Movie 2022.12.13 High Magnetic Field as a Tool for Discovery in Condensed Matter Physics Movie 2022.12.8 Terahertz Radiation as a Tool for Exploring Material Properties Movie 2022.11.21 Towards a Better Understanding of the Short-range Repulsive Nuclear Force Movie 2022.8.9 Open String Field Theory Beyond Feynman Diagrams Movie 2022.7.19 New Phases of Matter: Topological Physics in the 21st Century < 1 2 3 4 5 6 >