タイトル TITLE
Article2025.2.21 Understanding Global Inconsistency and ’t Hooft Anomaly Using Simple Quantum Mechanics
Understanding the nature of quantum matters is one of the profound challenges of contemporary physics. Quantum field theory (QFT) serves as a powerful tool for addressing this challenge and provides the long-range effective description of many-body systems. Strongly coupled QFTs are especially interesting but also very difficult to solve.One approach to tackle these strongly coupled […]
Article2025.1.9 Implementation of Nuclear Many-Body Wave Functions via Superpositions of Localized Gaussians
Antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD), developed in the 1990s, provides a unified framework for describing nuclear structures and reactions. It models nucleons as independent Gaussian wave packets, enabling the description of nucleon aggregation and disaggregation dynamics. AMD has significantly advanced the understanding of nuclear fragmentation reactions at medium-to-high energies and cluster structures in light nuclei. However, […]