FieldsTheoretical Particle Physics
Understanding Global Inconsistency and ’t Hooft Anomaly Using Simple Quantum Mechanics
This study explores the implications of global inconsistency and ’t Hooft anomalies for analyzing quantum field theories, using simple quantum mechanical models to provide valuable insights into these complex phenomena.
Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPUnderstanding Non-Invertible Symmetries in Higher Dimensions Using Topological Defects
By constructing Kramers-Wannier-Wegner duality and Z2 duality defects and deriving their crossing relations, this study presents the first examples of codimension one non-invertible symmetries in four-dimensional quantum field theories.Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPQuantum Mechanics of One-Dimensional Three-Body Contact Interactions
The quantum mechanical description of topologically nontrivial three-body contact interactions in one dimension is not well understood. This study explores the Hamiltonian description of these interactions using the path-integral formalism.
Mathematical methods, classical and quantum physics, relativity, gravitation, numerical simulation, computational modeling
Theoretical Particle Physics
Investigating Unitarity Violation of Lee–Wick’s Complex Ghost with Quantum Field Theory
Theories with fourth-order derivatives like Lee–Wick’s quantum electrodynamics model or quadratic gravity result in complex ghosts above a definite energy threshold that violate unitarity.Theoretical Particle Physics
Investigating Δ and Ω Baryons as Meson–Baryon Bound States in Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
We investigate Δ and Ω baryons as meson–baryon bound states in lattice quantum chromodynamics and show that their difference results from the kinematic structure of the two meson–baryon systems, and not their interaction.
Theoretical Particle Physics
Novel Insights Into Bulk Reconstruction in the Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory Correspondence
Bulk reconstruction in anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory is fundamental to our understanding of quantum gravity. We show that contrary to popular belief, bulk reconstruction is rather simple and intuitive.Theoretical Particle Physics
The Stolz–Teichner Conjecture and Supermoonshine
We check the validity of the "divisibility property," predicted by the Stolz–Teichner conjecture, for several infinite families of theories built from Duncan’s Supermoonshine module. Along the way, we develop the tools necessary to construct the so-called "periodicity class."Theoretical Particle Physics
A Closed Bosonic String Field Theory Based on the Fokker–Planck Formalism
A string field theory for closed bosonic strings is formulated using pants decomposition and the Fokker–Planck formalism.Theoretical Particle Physics
Fractional Topological Charge Construction in a U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory Framework
We have constructed a fractional topological charge in the lattice Abelian gauge theory formalism, which avoids the issue of infinite degrees of freedom in continuum spacetime quantum field theory.
Theoretical Particle Physics
Theoretical Assessment of F-wave Bottom Mesons and Their Properties
We use heavy quark effective theory to study F-wave bottom mesons. Using theory and experimental data, we calculate their masses and analyze their decay widths to estimate the upper bound to the associated couplings.Theoretical Particle Physics
Representations of KBc Algebra for Generating String Field Theory Solutions
We propose a general method for generating solutions in string field theory from a solution constructed using KBc algebra, and reproduce known solutions constructed earlier using different methods.Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPOpen String Field Theory Beyond Feynman Diagrams
Theoretical physicists propose an alternative way of performing perturbative calculations in an open string field theory that has no analogy in the standard quantum field theory formalism.
Elementary particles, fields, and strings
Theoretical Particle Physics
New Phases of Matter: Topological Physics in the 21st Century
Researchers from Japan highlight in an editorial our current understanding of topological phases of matter, focusing on the classification of the newly discovered symmetry protected topological phases.Fundamental Theory of Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics,
Theoretical Particle Physics
Simulating Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theory with Quantum Algorithms
Nonperturbative quantum field theory problems can often be difficult to solve with classical algorithms. Researchers now develop quantum computing algorithms to understand such problems in the Hamiltonian formalism.
Theoretical Particle Physics
Getting Around the Sign Problem to Solve an Open Quantum System
Researchers from Japan have found a novel non-equilibrium quantum system that doesn’t have the sign problem. The transport properties of the system are simulated with a Monte Carlo approach.Elementary particles, fields, and strings
Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPQuantum Anomaly in a Dirac Fermion System with Spacetime Dependent Mass
Scientists investigate quantum anomalies in a system of Dirac fermions with spacetime dependent mass and show that the anomaly formulas can be expressed in terms of superconnections.
Elementary particles, fields, and strings
Theoretical Particle Physics
Calculating Superconformal Index of 𝓝 = 4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory for Finite N
The examination of AdS/CFT correspondence for finite N, where quantum gravitational effects become important, reveals that finite N corrections for the superconformal index can be reproduced as D-3 brane contributions.Theoretical Particle Physics
PICKUPUnderstanding Phase Transitions in Supersymmetric Quantum Electrodynamics With Resurgence Theory
Using resurgence theory to describe phase transitions in quantum field theory shows that information on non-perturbative effects like phase transitions can be obtained from a perturbative series expansion.
Theoretical Particle Physics