タイトル TITLE Movie 2021.9.29 Measurements and Implications of Shot Noise in Mesoscopic Systems Movie 2021.9.22 Designing a New Space-borne Interferometer to Probe the History of Our Universe Movie 2021.9.6 Generalizing Poisson Algebra with Geometry Movie 2021.8.6 Exploring the Physics of Ferrimagnets for Future Spintronics Applications Movie 2021.7.19 Atoms Trapped with Light Behave Like a Dissipative Quantum System Movie 2021.7.13 Using Pulsed Cold Neutrons to Measure Neutron Lifetime Movie 2021.7.2 Overlooked Materials Host Rich Physics of Strongly Correlated Electrons Movie 2021.3.29 Random Numbers Can Help Solve Difficult Problems in Many-body Physics Movie 2021.3.22 Hybrid Quantum–Classical Algorithms: At the Verge of Useful Quantum Computing Movie 2021.3.22 Antimatter Matters: Making Sense of the Matter–Antimatter Asymmetry at Japan’s Belle-II Facility < 1 … 3 4 5 6 >